Do you know when each province and territory became a part of Canada?
Drag and drop the pieces below to complete the Canada map.
You have 2 hints to help you!
Can you solve this?
- AB - Alberta
- BC - British Columbia
- MB - Manitoba
- NB - New Brunswick
- NL - Newfoundland and Labrador
- NT - Northwest Territories
- NS - Nova Scotia
- NU - Nunavut
- ON - Ontario
- PE - Prince Edward Island
- QC - Quebec
- SK - Saskatchewan
- YT - Yukon

Senate seats are divided according to Canada’s regions. In 1867, there were 24 for each of the two largest provinces, plus 24 for the east. As the country has grown and new provinces and territories have been created, more have been added.
Can you figure out how many Senate seats each province and territory has today?
Drag and drop the pieces below to complete the Canada map.
You have 2 hints to help you!
Can you solve this?
- AB - Alberta
- BC - British Columbia
- MB - Manitoba
- NB - New Brunswick
- NL - Newfoundland and Labrador
- NT - Northwest Territories
- NS - Nova Scotia
- NU - Nunavut
- ON - Ontario
- PE - Prince Edward Island
- QC - Quebec
- SK - Saskatchewan
- YT - Yukon

Seats in the House of Commons are divided according to population: each member represents the people who live in a specific area, called a constituency. In 1867, the population of Canada was only 3.4 million people. Today, it has grown to more than 10 times that number!
How many members of Parliament are there from each province and territory today?
Drag and drop the pieces below to complete the Canada map.
You have 2 hints to help you!
Can you solve this?
- AB - Alberta
- BC - British Columbia
- MB - Manitoba
- NB - New Brunswick
- NL - Newfoundland and Labrador
- NT - Northwest Territories
- NS - Nova Scotia
- NU - Nunavut
- ON - Ontario
- PE - Prince Edward Island
- QC - Quebec
- SK - Saskatchewan
- YT - Yukon